I'm New Here
CityChurch is made up of people from many phases of life,
with a variety of views and experiences.
Everyone at CityChurch is gathered from various walks of life, and each of us is on a spiritual quest to know and experience the good, the true, and the beautiful.
You do not have to live a certain way, believe a certain way, or talk a certain way to fit in. Some of us are fervently committed,
some of us are cautiously curious, and others of us are somewhat skeptical. There is no dress code here.
Come as you are.
What We Do
We meet each Sunday at 10:30 am (more information). Wherever you are in your spiritual life, we hope that you feel welcomed and at home in our church. Perhaps you have never been to church (or have only been a handful of times) and fear that you will not know what to do, how to act, or what to say. Be assured: this church is for people just like you. It is our commitment to walk you through each and every step of the worship service so that you will not feel like an outsider.
People will greet you warmly at the door. You will be given a worship bulletin and be seated in our meeting space. The service includes singing, prayer, teaching, and the sacrament of communion. You should always feel the freedom to participate actively in our worship or to simply listen and observe at your discretion. The meeting usually lasts a little over an hour, but people always show up early and hang around afterward. Be sure to come early so you can get your coffee fix before everything gets started.
Our doors “officially” open by 10 am, so please feel free to come early and grab a cup of coffee, check out the information and book table, catch up with friends, or spend some time quietly preparing for the worship service. Each service lasts about an hour and a half. Feel free to stay afterward as some of our services are followed by a short outdoor reception or a Q&A period with the pastors.
The Service as a Whole
CityChurch’s Sunday service is designed to tell a story, to present the gospel in a narrative form as it flows throughout the structure of the service. Each week, the story of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection is retold a different way, and those who follow Jesus in faith and repentance meet the risen Lord in the sacrament of communion.
As a church community, we observe the Christian calendar with its seasons of Advent, Epiphany, Lent, and Easter. We do this to help each other remember the redemptive rhythm of God’s presence in our lives. On any given day, we metaphorically travel through these seasons as we grapple with grief, doubt, and temptation, and also celebrate joy and hope.
The Communication of the Gospel
Central to each worship service (and to everything we do at CityChurch) is the communication of the gospel. The gospel is the good news that God has intervened in world history through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ in order to forgive and defeat human sin, vanquish evil in every form, and replace death with life through the power of Jesus’ resurrection.
Because the gospel is God’s revelation of himself and his redemptive mission in Jesus Christ, it provides the true way to view ourselves, our friends, our communities, and this world.
CityChurch's Practice of Communion
We participate in the sacrament of communion each Sunday service so that experiencing the presence of Christ through communion becomes every service’s focal point. Like the early church centuries ago, we believe that in this way, we will be constantly reminded of the gospel of Jesus Christ and renewed in God’s love and grace.