Because we are a Community of Faith we value:
The Gospel
The gospel is the only hope for humankind. The message of the gospel is that Christ has done what is necessary to bring us into a relationship with God. As such, we keep it at the center of everything.
Mission + Movement
CityChurch does not exist as an end in itself. We desire to be an incubator for church planting throughout South Florida, in that when we grow, we will be very intentional about spinning off and beginning new congregations throughout our city. Each of these churches will partner with us in pursuing the goal of spiritual, social, and cultural renewal.
Because we are a community of Hope, we value:
The City
Christianity has always thrived in an urban context. We love Fort Lauderdale, and we want to live, work, celebrate, and raise our families here, enjoying and serving this great city.
Arts + Industries
We believe that the good news of the gospel is God’s redemption of this fallen world and its cultural expressions. We are a church that welcomes, encourages, and equips artists of every medium. Therefore, we seek to offer artists opportunities to show or perform their work, providing encouragement for them to grow and develop as artists.
We also believe that the good news of the gospel impacts work and the marketplace. We encourage men and women to use their positions, talents, and gifts to the best of their abilities and to the betterment of our city.
Because we are a community of Love, we value:
Life in Community
The Trinity is at the core of Christian community. God himself has always been in community: the Father, Son, and Spirit all loving, giving to, and sharing with one another. We acknowledge that we need each other and that the life Jesus offers works only in connection with a community of faith.
Social Healing
The gospel is the good news of Christ’s kingdom come. CityChurch seeks to partner with local social service agencies that mitigate the suffering in our own local community. Furthermore, we will pray for sensitivity to the mercy needs of our community and will seek to serve our neighbors out of Christ’s love.